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Mercurius politicus, Number 250, 22nd-29th March 1655 E.830[28]

others in the sounding of the Channel about 20 or 30
leagues from the lands end, and Silly and some times nearer
the Channel if the wind, came Easterly I could wish there
might be a course taken to Ruine those ungodly men they
have, an other new Frigate launced of about 18 or 20 p of
Ordinance, they stay for her Cables from Holland to set
her to sea, there is anothe upon ther stocks ready to launch
of about 10 guns; the King of France hath given order to
Saint George Carteret to finish his great ship, what hath
been begun this 7 years and launched this 4 yeares, she is
by the keele a 120 foot long, and 43 foot broad, there is
also order for the building of 3 new Frigats of 50 peece of
Ordinance, I spake with those that had agreed by the
great to build them; if the Irish pirates there be not
suspected, they will grow very strong & intend this summer
to build more Frigats if there be no agreement with France.
From Brussels the 28 March stilo novo.
They doe here set a very great value upon the Queene of
Sweaden, from whom they expect great matters, but upon
what ground is not yet knowne,
They doe endeavor in these parts all what they can for
the regaining of Quesnoy; to which end and purpose, they
have sent out store of armes and provisions towards Tournay
and Valenchienne. The King of Scotland is not yet heard
of; they report here that he is in Zealand; and there they
say him to be here in Flaunders; but neither the one nor
the other is certaine: He hath lost himself and wil therefore
be found when he hath a minde.
There is no Pope yet at Rome and their discords are said
to be as great as at the beginning, and no likely hood of
any agreement: much feare there is of a Schisme in the
Church and State. There need no better pretence then that
to settle the Sedembelli in Italie, for soveraines doe use to love
to fish in troubled waters, It is said, that the Duke of
Medena (though a small Prince) doth make great levies of
foot for France, and it is likewise said that he shall be
general of them, in case of a breach or rupture.
They doe still feare here very much the promotion of
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