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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

in these Northerly parts, that C: S: should have
had assistance considerable from some who speak
you fair, had his project proved prosperous.
From Paris April 7. stilo novo.
This day the King, Queen, Duke of Anjou, and
the Cardinal, with the whole Court, went to Bois
de Vincennes, where they will continue 8 days, and
from thence they are to go to Compeigne; afterward,
his Majesty intends to go & visit his Army
in Picardy, in the head of which he will appear in
person to command.
On the 28 of the last month there was a Barque
east away at Mulan, upon a Rock, by reason of the
slipping of her Cable. She had in her 90 persons
and more, who were going on pilgrimage; and
there was also the Curat and Vicar of that Parish
from whence they came, who had perswaded
them to this undertaking, and were drowned together
with them, all save one person and Monkey,
which held fast by his garment.
Cardinal Mazarin, who meditates no smal matters
for his Kindred, has bought the house de Lediguieres
for his Nephew the Marquis of Manchini,
which cost 600 Thousand livres.
My last told you of the preaching of Father Adam
the Jesuit against the Parlament of this city,
an presence of his Majesty, who afterward forbad
him to preach any more before him or his mother.
The matter becoming thus notorious, the
whole fry of Jesuites heir, fearing lest what he
had spoken might be conceived to be the sense of
them all, began to bestir themselves. Father Adam
has bin silenced by his superior from preaching,
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