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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

and the whole fraternity have disowned his
The Chevalier de Val-belle, commander of a
man of war that was funk by General Blake, arived
here last week, having had his liberty given
him by the said Generall, upon engaging his faith
that henceforth he will never bear Arms against
the Republick of England.
The Prince of Conti continues still in Languedoc,
and is not gon into Catalonia, because of the
indisposition of the Princess his wife.
Letters out of Provence do certifie, that the D:
of Mercœur not being able to work his ends, nor
demands of the Assembly or Estates for that province,
by reason of the opposition made by the
Nobility and Commons, hath handled many of
them very roughly, and proceeded so high, as to
give a Box on the car to the Sieur de la Verdure,
chief Consul and Procurator of the Estates of the
said Province; which caused a great breach between
them, insomuch that all the Nobility and
people do side with the said Consul, which has so
affrighted the Duke, that he suspects his own security
there, and hath thoughts of returning to
Court. Monsieur Borcel, who resides in this
Court Ambassador for the States of the United
Provinces, had audience last week of the King and
his Council, to whom he made many great complaints,
about the stop that had been made of all
merchantmen belonging to the united Provinces,
notwithstanding they were Friends and Allies,
and that the Alliance was renewed within these
few days between the Nations.
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