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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

Letters from Brussels of the 27 of the last month
do certifie, that the whole week had bin employed
there in Devotions, and that the Q. of Sweden
was constantly at them, being present at all the
musick, & most of the Ceremonies of the church.
It is certified also, that the Countess of Bossu is
goa from thence, to hasten into France to the
D: of Guise her husband; and she made so much
the more haste, fearing som affront might be don
her, upon a suspicion that she had wrought some
design to the advantage of France. Also, that
the Prince of Conde went thence, upon the 24 of
the last month to Namure, his design not being
known; but tis said he went to command a Body
of an Army, made up of the Troops of Witemberg,
and other Auxiliary Troops Swedish and
The Duke of Modena, having sent twice hither
out of Italy, to demand succor of his Majesty of
France against the Spaniard, here arived last week
from him a third Courrier; which brings news,
that the Marquis of Carecene, who hath invaded
him on the Spanish account; not daring to attempt
Reggio, was set down before Bercel. It is said also
that the conclave of Cardinals are resolved to
assist the Venetians with 4000 men.
Letters from S: Quintin, Guise and Peronne, do
fignifie, that the Convoy intended for Quesnoy,
was gone thence under the conduct of the Marquis
of Mompouillan, but could not go forward,
being forced to return, being advertised by his
Scouts, that they had discovered 8 Squadrons of
horse of the Enemy marching directly towards
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