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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

them, and were informed also, that the Prince of
Conde was in Heynault, with part of his Army, to
hinder any provisions by Countrey people from
entring into Quesnoy. Hereupon the K: and his
Council orderd that the Marquis of Castelnau do
march with 4000 horse and 6000 foot, to conduct
the Convoy. On the other side, the Pr: of Conde
having notice of this, resolves (if possible) to prevent
them in their design, by making up a very
considerable Body.
Courtiers have bin sent to Calais, Deep, and
the rest of the Ports of this Kingdom, by express
order from the King, to make stay of al Merchant
men belonging to the English, with all their goods
and Merchandizes. So that we long to understand
how things go in England, where the Family of
the late King is said to be triumphant. The little
Queen is retired to the Nunery at Chaliot; which
her servants say is done partly for devotions sake,
& partly to avoid the visits of persons that would
flock to her to rejoice with her, for the happy
progress of her Sons affairs in England.
From Stockholm in Sweden, March 8.
The King having performed his journey to
Gottenburgh, is returned to put on the opening of
the Diet or Parlament in this City, where most
of the Senators and Deputies are already arived.
Count John Oxenstiern, Marshal of this Kingdom,
is gone to one of his Country-houses, from
whence he hath order to go into Germany, in quality
of a Plenipotentiary on the behalf of his
Majesty, who hath deputed one of the Senators
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