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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

Ingelo, Fellows of Eaton Colledge; the Major
of Windsor for the time being, Matthew Day, William
Mills, Tho. Chapman, Aldarman of the sad Town
of Windsor, Richard Winch, Alex. Hays, Gentlemen,
of any five or more of them; and such others
whose usual places of habitation shall be at New
Windsor or Eason, or within thirty miles of the
same, which shall from time to time for ever hereafter
be dominated and chosen in and to the places
and steads, of such of them as shall decease,
or for just cause be removed by the most part of
them, which then shall be Governors, to be and
succeed in the place and places of him or them
deceasing, or so being removed, shall and may be
Governor of the said Alms-houses, and of the
Members, Goods, Lands, Tenements, Revenues,
and Hereditaments of the same, at all times for
ever hereafter.
And the said Governors and Alms-houses shall
for ever hereafter stand & be incorporated, established
and founded in Name and in Deed, of a
Body Politick and Corporate, to have continuance
for ever, by the name of The Governors of the
Alms-houses of Windsor Castle; and that the said
Governors may have a perpetual Succession for
ever; and that they and their Successors may for
ever hereafter have, hold and enjoy, and to all intents
and purposes, and shall from henceforth and
for ever stand & be actually seized and possessed
the Structures, Messuages, Lands, Rents, Revenues,
Profits, Tenements, and Hereditaments, belonging
to the same and expressed in the said Ordinance,
The said Act for abolishing of Deans, Deans
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