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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

and Chapters, &c. or any other Law or Statute to
the contrary notwithstanding. That the said Governors
and their Successors, shall for ever hereafter
out of the Lands, Tenements, Rents, and
Revenues hereby established, maintain the said
Alms-houses, and the Members of every of them,
and shall order, rule and govern the same, according
to such Statutes as are to be found amongst
the Statutes of the late Dean and Canons of
Windsor, touching or concerning the said Alms-houses,
and other the said charitable and pious
uses, or by such other Statutes, Rules, and Orders,
as shall at any time be conceived and made
by the said Governors, or any five or more of
them, under their Common Seal, for the better
Rule and Government of the same, not being
superstitious nor derogatory to the Government
now established, nor repugnant to any the standing
Laws of this Nation; and the said Governors
and their Successors, or any nine or more of them,
are authorised and hereby enabled from time to
time, to place such preson or persons (as have
faithfully served the Commonwealth as Commissioned
Officers in the Army, and are now out
of Commission, and uncapable of doing of service,
either by reason of Age, or for want of some
Limb lost in their Service; provided, That since
their said service done for the Commonwealth,
they have not acted any thing prejudicial to the
Commonwealth, nor are dissatisfied with the present
Government) in the said Alms-houses, in
any place which now is or hereafter shall be void,
as they shall think most deserving: provided always,
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