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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

That the Recommendation, Approbation,
or Consent of his Highness the now Lord Protector
during his natural Life, and his Successors,
for the placing of such person or persons respectively,
be first had and obtained.
And whereas his Highness is like wise informed,
That Sir Peter Lemeir, and Sir Francis Crane,
Knights, deceased, intended a further Addition
of five poor Knights or Alms-men to those formerly
in Windsor Castle, did by their several last
Wills and Testaments, devise and give a certain
Proportion of Land and Money for the erecting
of five houses, and competent maintenance for
such additional Alms-men or poor Knights so to
be established as aforesaid.
Be it therefore ordained by the Authority aforesaid,
That the said five Alms men, or poor
Knights so to be added, shall be of the Foundation,
and under the Government and Rule aforesaid:
And the said Governors, or any five or
more of them, are hereby authorized to call before
them the Executors or Administrators, and
all and every person and persons any way concerned
in the execution of the wils of Sir Peter Lemeir
and sir Francis Crane touching the premises, and to
require the same to be don & settled accordingly.
From Warsovia in Poland, March 9.
Our Polish Army which is before Mobilon in L[unr]thuania,
has taken by assault the two Suburbs and
the lower Town, in spight of those 3000 Foot
that defended it, and the Enemy is retired into
the old Town and the Citadel, with most of the
Townsmen, who are resolved to hold it our to
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