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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

his proposition tending to the election of a new Hungarian
King; but its said and beleeved that the States will not condescend
to any thing as to that particular, before they have
received ful security of the free exercise of their Religion, and
satisfaction of other grievances which they have tendred to
his Majesty. The Turks begin to be very insolent, and to give
us great provocations, having some dayes agoe made a great
impression in Hungaria, and taken away above 4000 head of
cattel, and many Christians, using them most barbarously,
which is highly resented by his Majesty.
From Dublin by the last.
A great fire hapned in a part of the Storehouse, which had
done great hurt, had not the wind sat contrary, and carryed
the flame to a waste place, where was some stacks of Hey and
Timber which was burnt and spoiled, the loss amounting to
near 800 l. This was occasioned say some by the negligence
of the keeper of the Stores; but tis rather conceived to be the
remissness of the Troopers that kept guard. Our Judges are
gone for Ulster and Munster; those for Connaught are upon
going. A new Court is erected for the tryal of the Irish for
not transplanting into Cinnaught. Some Tories made their
escape out of prison from Carlow and Waterford, and some
hurt was done of late upon that Road, but now blessed be
God are peaceable and quiet; and the last Post out of England
brought good news, that gives great encouragement to all
honest people, and the contrary to them are silent.
From Venice March 15.
The Funeral ceremonies of our deceased Duke being ended
the Assemblies for erecting a successor began on the 8th. instant.
There are 5 that stand for the dignity, of whom the
Procurator Foscolo had 23 voices. In the mean time till the
Election be determined, all Dispatches are made in the name
of Sieur Dominico Contarini, as the ancientest Senator.
From Turin March 27.
The Marquis of Caracene governor of Milan, having past
the River Po, advanced with his Forces within a league of
Bercel, intending to attempt the taking of it; but hoping to
take Reggio with more case, he sat down before it the 16 instant
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