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Mercurius politicus, Number 252, 5th-12th April 1655 E.831[21]

with 1000 horse, 4000 foot, and 24 pieces of cannon; in this
place was the Duke of Modena in person, with the Prince his son &
heir, and 6000 Foot, beside the inhabitants, to defend it; who so
entertained the Marqu is, that he had not besieged it above 8 hours,
but was forced to Retreat again toward the River Po. To assist that
Duke Prince Thomas is marching with his Troops; also the French
Forces that were in Dauphine & la Bressee are to goe upon the same
[unr]rrand. And the State of Venice hath caused 600 hors to lye on the
Frontires of the Territory of Milan, & at the same time sent a Gentleman
to the two parties to mediate between them, with Resolution
notwithstanding, in case the Marquis of Caracene will not be
reduced to Reason, then to assist the Duke of Modena against him,
the like has been declared by the neighboring Princes.
From Chester April 7.
We have had severall in our parts apprehended in reference to
the late business some of them do verily believe have bin faulty;
but whether Evidence may be sufficiently brought to light I know
not One of them viz. Col. Worden, is to come up to London the
next week to be examined there. One of those that was apprehended
is a Dutchman, that was took at one of their houses, who can
give no good account, yet has been in England and hereabouts this
twelve month. I much fear he may be employd by the malignant
party in Holland for some bad end.
From Brussels April 1, stilo novo.
It is strongly Reported here that the Q: of Sweden hath Raised an
Army of 15000 men at her own charges, to be employed in the service
of the house of Austria, but few will believe it, till they hear
more of it. They are at ready here to invent strange Stories, as in
other places. Among the rest they tel one of the Scotch King, with
several circumstances, who went into England in a disguise, & there
lodged at the house of one of his confiding Friends that was to
help carry on his Design, which vanishing into somke, he was forced
to reimbark himself to pass beyond the Seas with several Gentleman
of his party, being bound for France, they were met at Sea
by one of the Lord Protectors ships, who presently boarded and took
them all prisoners, and brought them to Dover-Castle, where they
are secured for the present, this story past for true till the Leuers
out of England informed us the contrary. It is said here that the
Marquis of Lede is to go Ambassador for England. There are severall
ships arived at Dunkirk from Biscay with Spanish Foot, old Soldiers,
and brave valiant men. The yong Count of E[unr]mon since
his Fathers death in France, is entred into possession of his Fathers
memories, being not by 1000. of his tenants to do him homage.
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