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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

having been sent for by the King; and the report
runs, that he is to bee sent on an extraordinary
Ambassie to Rome; but upon what occasion, is not
It is written from Brussels, that the houshold of
the Prince of Conde is divided into two Factions.
The Generall Marsin, and the President Viole, are
Spanish, being devoted to the King of Spain, and
in no wise enclined to return into France. But the
Counts of Bouteville, Duras, and Lorge, with the
Sieur de Bitaut, are true French, and resolved to
return hither within 4 months, in case an accommodation
be not made between the Court and
the Prince of Conde.
The Lady of the Marquis of Castelnau sent lately
to all the Convents and Religious houses in &
about this City, to desire their Prayers for a blessing
on the Kings forces, and for the safety of her
Husband, shee having understood from him by
Letter, that he was ready to march with the grand
Convoy for the relief of Quesnoy, with 4000 foot
and 3000 Hors. and 6 pieces of Ordnance, having
with him 700 Countrymen, each of them with a
sack of Meal on horsback.
Upon the 8 instant there arrived a Gentleman
at Court, who came from Quesnoy, and brought
news to the King and his Councill, that the Convoy
passed very happily, and got safe into Quesney
without any interruption or opposition, and that
the marquis of Mauvisiere had made alteration
in that Garison, according to the directions sent
him by his Majesty. The same thing is confirmed
by all the Letters from St Quintin and from Guise,
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