Sign in
Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

which say moreover, that the spanish Forces were
come into the Country of Luxemburgh, endevoring
by extraordinary marches to joyn with those
of the Prince of Conde for the close beguirting of
quesnoy, but they came too late.
From Venice March 13.
The Marquis of Villanova is gon from hence for
Candia, 3 days after our Generalissimo, being all
gon for carrying on affairs in Candia, whence we
have not received any late news, which makes us
think that of late there has past nothing of consideration:
The last news from Constantinople advise,
that there was such a mighty concourse of
people in that City, who come to see the coronation
of the young Emperour, that thereupon
Lodging is hard to be found, and that provisions
were at an excessive rate, the Cossasks according to
their old custom having so wasted and spoiled the
Country on that side near to the Black-sea, that it
makes them at a greater price. The Bashaw of
Aleppe is sent for to bee an actor in the ceremony,
hee being appointed to carry the Royall Mantle;
he was to bring with him 5000 men, which he has
sent before, but he desired to be excused for his
From Stockholm March 15.
The 12 instant the States were summoned to
appear, by sound of the Trumpet, and therupon
they all come in so fast, that by the end of this
month, or the beginning of the next, their Session
will begin. The last week came hither a publick
Minister from the Prince of Transylvania, to joy
his Majesty upon his coming to the Crown, as also
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