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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

upon his late marriage, and the next day he had
his audience, and so is on his way homewards.
From Worsovia in Poland, March 18.
After the Routing of those Muscovites who were
sent to relieve Mohilow, it was expected that the
besieged would hearken to a parley; the rather,
seeing they want provisions, and chiefly water,
having no other but such as comes from the melted
Snow, but they are so far from inclining to
any composition, that it is present death for any
man who will presume to make the least motion
of a Treaty: Since the routing of the Moscovites
and Cosacks in Ukrain, our Armies have bin sent to
their Winter quarters, from whence they have
made many inrodes into Moscovia & Ukrania, with
the Tartars; returning both of them full fraught
with spoil, and rich booty, with a great number
of slaves, whereupon the Tartars have with most
of their Forces marched homewards to convoy
their plunder and their slaves; but being on their
march, there came an Express from Sultan Galga,
brother to the Kam of the Tartars, that they
should come to joyn to his Army, he having entred
the Countrey with 60 Thousand men by
another way; but on their earnest sure to him, he
gave them leave to go as far as the Borishene, and
having seen their plunder go over safe, to return
speedily, and come to meet him at the Rendezvouz.
Our Recruits being not yet finished,
therefore our Army is not like to move as yet.
From Vienna March 23.
We hear from Presburgh that the Diet began the
[unr] instant in the great Hall of the Imperial castle
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