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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

which place was in great danger, the
said Irish making a mutiny, forcing the Inhabitants
to give them some money, and those that
deny'd to give them any were soundly plundred
by them; many thought they would have betraid
the place to the French, but through the conduct
of the Earl of Bruay, who sent some Forces in due
time; the Irish were surprised and secured, and
the plunder restored to the Inhabitants again,
whereof 4, or 5 were kild, and severall wounded
by the Irish.
From Stockholm March 17.S.V.
Our Court discourse is now wholly taken up
with warlike designes, severall Regiments being
in raising here, as also in Lithuania and Germany,
but the Enemy not yet named, only conjectured.
Our Envoy sent for Russia is returned, bringing
with him great promises of the great Dukes earnest
desires to keep inviolable the perpetuall
peace formerly made; and having well entertained
our Envoy, promised ere long to send a great,
Ambassage hither to settle all Things; and our
privy Councellor Belfe is nominated to goe great
Ambassador thither. The Polish Envoy is still
here, but not yet got his new Instructions, and
therefore received no Audience. Our Fleet is
likewise making ready, divers ships lying already
in the stream before the Castle, the design kept
private. The Parlament sate first on Monday,
where his Majesty personally appearing, made
the Proposition, acquainting them how all affairs
stood at well at home as abroad; and the Dittie
ended Men and Money, Ryx Rade Christian
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