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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

Bond (Cousin-german to the Ryx-chancelor) is in
short time to go great Ambassador for England, &
from thence to Portugall. The old Ryxchancelor
his buriall shall be solemnized tomorrow; which
done, Prince Philip to Sultzbash takes his journey
hence, and he is to levie 12 companies of horse
and 8 of Dragoons.
From Vienns 25 dito S.V.
The States of Hungaria at Presbourg, have consented
to the Coronation of the Emperial Prince
Leopold Ignatius, on condition that the Emperour
shal take into consideration their just Grievances,
giving them satisfaction in every particular, viz,
to license the Jesuits to recal his Placcates against
the Reformed Protestants, and to prohibit to the
Ecelefiasticks the buying in of all kind of worldly
Goods, which they most unjustly take on them.
From Hamburgh April 3. S: V.
This morning 6 members of the Magistracy,
viz. a Burgermaster, a Syndicus, a Secretary, and
3 Senators passed hence for Rensborg, to Treat with
the K: of Denmarks Commissioners, which is appointed
to meet them there, touching the said
Kings Inauguration here, the issue whereof may
be shortly expected. We begin to be somewhat
jealous of the Swedes extraordinary armiture, as
not knowing their design, which though it breed
many conjectures (according to the severall affections
of men) yet their true intention is yet un-penetrable.
In the mean time it becomes us to
be vigilant, and to that purpose this Senate has
ordered privaily 1000 men to be levied for the
service of this City, and commanded also 3 companies
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