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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

of Citizens to watch every night upon the
walls, whereas at other times they never make
use but of one company.
From Turin, April 3.
The discourse through all Italy is, what a confusion
the Spaniards were in, upon the Report of
our French forces designed that way. Wherupon
news was brought hither on the first instant, by an
Express from the D: of Modena, of his great success,
in having driven back the Marquis of Caracene
into the Territory of Milan; insomuch that
this Invasion of his has produced no other effect
than a Repulse, and a dispersing of a good part of
the Marquis his Spanish Forces, and a diminishing
of the Reputation of the Arms of Spain, Nevertheless,
the Duke of Modena goes on still in his
Levies, being resolved to make up 2000 Hors and
8000 Foot, to march towards Cremona, while the
French make an Inroad another way into the
Territory of Milan, to be revenged on the said
Marquis of Caracene; the apprehension wherof
has causd them of Milan to make a Muster of their
Country Militia, and to command the Paisants
and Countrymen to withdraw all Provisions for
man and beast, and to burn what they cannot remove.
In the mean time, the D: of Savoy has sent
one to complement the Du: of Modena touching
his happy success, and to assure him hereafter of
any assistance that he shall have occasion to use.
From Salisbury April 12.
The Commissioners for the Tryall of our late
Risers are now met, and this day their Commission
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