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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

From Roterdam April 17 stilo novo.
The season is here dead at present, there being
no motion on any side; such as favored the King
of Scots, are very much dejected at the disasterous
news of his undertaking, and the more becaus
it is reported, That many of his good friends
in England are like to suffer both in their lives and
Estates, he himself having the wit to keep out of
harms way, loving to sleep in a whole skin, whilst
his Friends adventure and lose their lives for his
sake. He is said to be gon again to his old Quarters
at Cullen. The States of Holland are to meet
very suddenly, and then no doubt they will put
on their Resolution for the setting forth of the
Fleet, and an end to their state of War.
From Hamburgh April 3,
The King of Sweden and his Army of 10000
horse, and 30000 Foot ready for the Campania,
amuses and affrights all his Neighbors, who take
the Alarm though in Amity with him.
From Dalkeith, April 10.
The Lord Lornes Commissioners are gone back
without concluding, but (no doubt) will bee glad
to come on again.
Middleton is in mac Clouds Bounds, being unable
to make any considerable force. Mac Naughton
sent one to the Generall to Treat for his coming
in, and notice is sent back what Terms hee may
have, which its conceived he and mac Eldow will
From Plimouth, April 10.
I have not any thing of moment to give you from hence,
only the Reserve Frigat hath brought in two French prizes
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