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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

By Letters from Nismes it is certified, That the
Count of Rleux, passing through Vats, a Town of
his, with 2 Regiments that he had raised to got
and relieve the Du: of Modena in Italy, fell upon
the poor Protestants there, using all imaginable
Acts of hostility against those of the Reformed
Religion, threatning divers to hang them, if they
would not abjure their Religion, which som were
forced to do (at least in word) for the immediate
saving of their Lives. Whereupon the Deputy-generall
of the Reformed Churches of this kingdom,
being advertised of it, is gon to make complaint
to the King and his Council.
Letters out of Catalonia say, That the Spaniards
were resolved to besiege Roses both by Sea and
Land. Don John of Austria is to doe it by Land
and the Spanish galleys which are at Portolongone
are to straiten the place by Sea.
Here is news come that at length a new Pope is
chosen by name Cardinal Ghist, who was of Siena,
a Subject of the Duke of Florence, a man of more
moderation than many others, and not addicted
to either of the two domineering Factions of
France and Spain, in which election, the Conclave
have shewn their wisdom; seeing if they
had chosen a Factionist, after such high Heats and
Bandyings, it must of necessity have bred ill
blood by disobliging one of the two potent Monarchies.
Besides, the Princes of Italy are well
pleased this man being an Italian, and therefore
they [unr] hopes that hee will minde the Interest
[unr]d not serve the Ambition of
[unr]ving way to the oppression
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