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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

of those little States, and Principalities. As concerning Parts and
Prudence, he hath no mean reputation, having been thought a fit
man heretofore to manage the interest of the Court of Rome, as Plenipotentiary,
in that great confluence of the ablest Head-peeces of
Europe, in the famous Treaty at Munster. He hath new named himself
Alexander the Seventh.
The news of the Protectors Successes in England, makes [unr]men
at a gaze; and when it came first, he was thought [unr] that
would believe it; so that now the Stuarts are given for [unr], their
party appearing so inconsiderable by their actings, that the [unr] lost
their reputation. Things being so, it is like your Neighbore [unr]
this Kingdom, and all other places will be quiet, and [unr] of
giving any disturbance.
That you may see what proceedings have been at Salie[unr], in the
Tryal of Offenders, take this List, and the following Letter
At the General Sessions of Oyer and Terminer, and [unr]
holden at New Sarum, in the County of Wilts, April 12. 1655
These persons following pleaded Not guilty but were found
guilty, and had judgment given against them all,
VIZ.{ John Lucas
John Dean
John Kensey }
{John Thorp
Henry Laurence
John Fryer}
For Treason in Levying
There was another also found guilty, and condemned upon his
own confession, for the like crime of Treason, by name Edmond Mack
an Apothecary of Salisbury.
These persons following were indicted of Felony, and pleaded
not guilty, but were convicted, and had judgment accordingly,
VIZ.{John Lovelace
Thomas Sweet
Robert Harford}
John woodward
Sampson Pitfield}
Condemned for Felony.
There is a woman also, one Margaret Gingle, condemned for Witch
Those prisoners following were acquitted upon Tryal, having
been indicted for Treason,
VIZ.{Henry Zouch
Edward Zouch
William Willoughby, Esq;}
Levying War.
From Salisbury, April 15.
The Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer, are hastning their journey
from hence to Exester, having dispatched here. Here inclosed
I send you the news that this place affords upon this great occasion,
viz. A List of the prisoners Fates upon Tryal. Dean is the onely
son and childe of his Mother, a yong man, and Mack the Apothecary,
who was so ingennous as to acknowledge the Fact.
Lucas hath a fair estate for a man of his quality, which is forfeited
to his Highness the Lord Protector.
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