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Mercurius politicus, Number 253, 12th-19th April 1655 E.833[5]

Dean, Lucas, and Kensey, this morning before they received their
Judgment to be hanged, drawn, and quartered, preferred their Petitions
to the Court, and therein acknowledged their offence, which
they termed a heynous Rebellion. I believe there will be great
Applications made to his Highness to save their lives.
Laurence was a servant to Penruddock. (who is together with Jones,
to be tried at Exester) and was drawn into it by his Master.
Also, John Frier was a Tenant to Penruddock and by him inveigled
to go along with them.
The two Zouches are notoriously guilty, and yet the petty Jury
acquited them, notwithstanding the evidence was very full against
them, especially against Henry Zouch by several Witnesses: But many
of the Jury told the Court they were his Tenants; such good Consciences
we finde here, to spare some, for Favor onely.
Whitehal, April 12.
Letters from several parts of France gave Assurance, that the Imbargo
upon English Vessels and Goods was taken off by the French
It was certified also, that Charls Stuart, perceiving how his designs
were broken here, was gotten back again to his quarter at Colen.
April 13. Divers prisoners were brought in, that were apprehended
the night before in London, viz. Fitz-Williams, Goodwin, Keeling
Williams, and Tong.
News came, that the Grand Jury had proceeded at Salisbury, and
found the Bill, and that divers had been found guilty by the Petty-Jury.
Other prisoners also were brought in, viz. Sir Thomas Armstrong,
who obscured himself in London,, by the name of Dr. Wilson, and
was formerly a Commander of Horse, under the Marquess of Ormond
in Ireland; also, Mr. Richard Nichols, a Gentleman belonging to the
Titular Duke of york, Mr. Thomas Temple of Wickin-Park in Buckinghamshire,
Mr. Abraham Cowley, late Secretary to the Lord Jermine,
in France, one Mr. Waldron, and Mr. William Montgomery.
April 14 and 16. It was confirmed, that the Pope is chosen, of
whom you have a description before in the Novels from Paris.
It was advertised, the Ambassador extraordinary of Spain, coming
out of Flanders, was preparing to come hither with all speed.
Also, that another extraordinary is designed hither from Sweden,
April 17. and 18 By one that came from Salisbury, it was certified,
That news was brought to Salisbury before he came away, that the
Judges and Commissioners were got to Exester on Monday night, and
that Col. Penruddock is the first man to be brought to the Bar.
These two days, his Highness sate with the Council in the Council-Chamber.
Nothing this week from Ireland, nor from the Fleets at Sea.
Licensed and Entred according to the late Act for Printing.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1655.

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