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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

Numb. 259
Mercurius Politicus.
Comprising the sum of all Intelligence,
with the Affairs and Designs
now on foot in the three Nation:
In defence of the Commonwealth,
and for Information of the People.
------ ItĂ  vertere Seris {Horat. [unr]
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday May 24. to Thursday May 31. 1655.
From Dalkieth, May 17:
THis day the Articles were concluded for the coming
in of the Lord Lorn and his party, and signed by
the Earl of Lothian, Major-General Holburn, and
Lieutenant-Colonel Doncan Campbel, his Commissioners.
The Articles are also agreed upon for the coming in of
Colonel Mac Naughton, the Laird of Longkyel alias Mac
Alduy; and I believe the Articles for he coming in of the
Lord Rea will be included to morrow, Major Mac Red his
Commissioner being here: Which being perfected, there
will none of note in the Hills who have not submitted but
Glengary and Mac Cloud, so that we are not like to have
any work in the Hills this Summer.
As concerning the Prisoners this week removed out of
the Tower. this accompt by the Messenger is si[unr]ce returned:
the Lord Loutherdale is now prisoner in the Isle of P[unr]tland;
the Lord Calley and Lord Grandison in the Isle of Jersey: the
Lord Craford Lindsey in Sandower-Castle in Kent, Mr. John
Ashburnham at Pendennis-Castle.
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