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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

From Paris, May 26, Stilo novo.
The [unr]9 instant, the King and the whole Court
being at Chantilly, the Count of Harcourt came
thither, who (it is said) will be sent into Catalsnia
to command in the quality of Lieut. General, in
the Prince of Conti[unr] Army, which Prince is like
to return to Court, or else to goe to his Government
of Guienne. Others say, he shall command a
particular Body of the Army in Picardie.
The Duke of Mantua is expected here, but it is
said he will not be seen openly, but lodg incognito
at the Louvre, and that his charge will be defrayd
by his Majesties Officers.
The Court have sent to the Sieur de Lionne Ambassador
Extraordinary at Rome, the Charges and
Information against Cardinal de Retz, that it may
be known what caus of complaint there is against
the said Cardinal.
The Secretary Navar, Secretary of State to
the Arch Duke Leopold, who was sent lately out
of Flanders, passed through this City within
these few days, being bound for Spain; but before
he parted hence, he had Conference with
our principal Ministers of State, in the presence of
the Count de Brienne. The principal scope of his
discourse was to represent the great inclination
of his Majesty of Spain to the general Peace.
The Stomach of the Court is so high against
many Counsellors of the Parliament, that its
thought there will hardly be any more Assemblings
till the Kings return.
The 17 he Count of Broglio went Post for
Turin in Savoy, where the principal Officers are
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