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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

to follow him, who is to draw out the Forces
that are in Dauphine, Piedmont, and the State of
The same day, the Procuration on the behalf
of the Prince of Modena arrived here; and yesterday
the Princess of Carignrn, and the Princess of
Baden, went hence to conduct the Lady Martinosi,
one of the Nieces of Cardinal Mazarin, being
attended by the whole Family of the said
Cardinal, to compleat the marriage between her
and the Prince of Modena at Compiegne, where the
Court continues of purpose; and afterwards
they will post away to la Fere in Picardy. In the
mean time, Marshal Turein quarters at Chanue,
recollecting the Forces; and all Officers whatsoever
belonging to the Army are required immediately
to quit this Town. Order is given
likewise for speeding away all the Ammunition
and other warlike necessaries that remain behind;
of which there went hence at the latter
end of the last week six wagons laden with money,
to pay the Army in Picardy.
From Brussels it is written, that the Count of
Fuensaldague is returned from Autwerp, and hath
brought away all the mony that possibly he could
get in that City, to pay the Soldiery and make
them march, having divided them into 3 Bodies,
and quarter'd them in Luxemburgh, Heynault, Arteis,
and the Towns which lie along the River
of Lis. Also, that the Prince of Conde hath now
renounced all reconciliation with France, as now
governed, and to declare that he will have no
more dependance that way, he hath burnt all
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