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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

from the Great Cham, to assure his Majesty of
Poland, that his Forces shall be ready to take the
field, as soon as there is any grass for his horses.
Our Army is still before Mobilon, of the taking
of which place we have now great hope, the Defendents
being distressed by famine, and distracted
by their own divisions.
It is referred to the Archbishop of Gnesnes and
the great Chancellor, to draw up an Answer to a
Letter lately sent out of Sweden, concerning the
differences betwixt this Crown and that.
From Vienna, May 2.
The Nuntio hath presented a Letter written
with the Popes own hand to the Emperor, where
in he exhorts him by all means to preserve the
peace of the Empire, and for this end to summon
the Estates of Germany to meet at some appointed
The Duke of Amalphi is to go to Stirla, and
other places in the lower Austris, there to receive
the Oath of Fidelity in the name of the
Archduke Leopold Ignatius, toward whose Coronation
little progress is made, because of the
great Contestations continuing betwixt the Popish
and Protestant Estates in the Diet at Presbourg.
From Francfort on the Main, May 6.
Prince Rupert, b[unr]o[unr]her to the Elector Palatine,
hath raised considerable Forces in these parts for
the service of the Duke of Modena: which hath
given great distaste here to the Spanish party,
who hoped to have engaged him to serve the
King of Spain.
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