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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

From Colen, May 14:
Our Elector hath caused divers Pieces of Cannon
to be cast, and so goes on to compleat his
Levies to the number of 12000 men.
The 12 instant, He whom they call King of
Great Britain, went to visit the Duke of Newbourgh
at Gralighausen, where they spent the day in hunting,
and he returned hither in the evening.
Ships this week arrived in the port of London.
Norway, 15 with Deal-boards and Norway timber.
Hamborongh, 3 with Linen, Flax, Hemp, Pitch, Tar,
and several other Germany commodities.
Pharo, 2 with Oyls and Fruit.
Malligo, 3 with Malligo Wines and Fruit.
Caen, 1 with Canvas, Paper, &c.
France, 2 with Franch Wines.
Berbados, 3 with Sugar, Ginger, Cotton wools, &c.
Levern and other parts, 1 with some Silks, Wines,
Fruits, &c.
Dunkirk, 1 with Hops.
Anthonio, 1 with Iron, Orenges and Limons.
East-India, 1 with Pepper, Indico, Salt-Peter,
Cottonyarn, Cordemons, raw Silk, Calicos, &c.
Bourdeanx, 1 with Spirits, Pruines, Vinegar,
Feathers, &c.
Gallipoli, 1 with Oyls.
St. Sebastians, 1 with Iron Wools, &c.
Virginia, 2 with Virginy Tobacco.
Italy, 1 with Oyls, Fruit, Dates, Anchoves, Orenges
and Limons.
Billos, 1 with Iron and Wools.
42 ships in all.
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