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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

The copy of a letter sent unto Mr Stouppe, from Geneva,
by Mr Leger, born in the Valleys of Piedmont,
Pastor and Divinity Reader of the said City.
SIR, Full of grief, and melting in tears, I
write unto you the sad news of the desolation
of our poor Churches, in the Valleys of Piedmont.
They are extracted out of many letters,
I send you, in which you may observe, that
not onely the Duke of Savoys Troops, but also
and chiefly those of France have been employed
in the destruction of the said Churches; and
that among others, they have for that purpose
made use of the bloody Irish, as if they would
say, that maugre those, who have chas'd them
out of Ireland, for their massacres on the Protestants
there; they will make them the murderers
of the faithful elsewhere. And indeed,
it is commonly reported, that those Valleys are
intended for the Irish, as a reward of their cruel
Persecutions, and Barbarous murders. A person
of great quality among the subjects of that
Duke, hath confest, that whatsoever hath been
acted against the Protestants of the Valleys,
hath had the consent and approbation of the
French Ambassador, resident in Turin, and of
the French Court. One of those poor fugitives
of St. Johns Church, which I served eight yeers,
coming just now, confirms whatsoever is said,
in the Appendix, of the Apologie, which you
have received heretofore; adding many cruelties,
as that some women have been burnt alive,
and others bruised and pressed to death.
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