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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

He faith also, that the command given to all
the rest of the Protestant of Perouse and S Martin
to depart their Country, hath been put in
execution, without any remission: So that
there is little probability of their restablishment.
And if it be not made with the good will of the
Duke, those poor sheep which remain shall hardly
be able to live in the midst of those Wolves,
already baited with their fl[unr]sh and blood by the
massacres they have made: unless France acknowledg
to be interess'd in that business, as you may
see she is, by the Writing annext to this, and so
dispose the Duke to another temper, and that
thereupon an authentique Treaty be made in
very cleer terms, to avoid all contestations. But
[unr]twere better they should leave their Countries,
and then to procure them some satisfaction for
their goods, unless their settlement be made by
a Treaty of Peace, such as that is reported to be
which is now in ag[unr]tation betwixt his Highness of
England and the Crown of France: for, France
being so much engag'd in this affair, if any other
course be taken before those sheep be in safety,
they might be in great danger. If France disclaims
that barbarous action, it will appear by her procuring
the restablishment of those poor remaining
Fugitives: if not, my opinion is, they must
seek their refuge where God shall direct them.
From the Vale of Perouse, April 27. 1655.
BY the instigation and means of the Roman
Clergy, an Army of 5 or 6000 men hath been
secretly raised, that are fallen upon the poor inhabitants
of St. Iohn de la Tour, being thereunto
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