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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

From Paris, May 29. stile novo.
The news out of Provence is, that the Parlament
of Air has refused to register and verifie the K:
late Edicts and Declarations.
The 23 instant here was publication made of
the Banns of Matrimony in the Church of St Enstachius,
between the illustrious Prince Alphensus
d'Ese, eldest son of the Duke of Modenn, and the
Lady Martino[unr], one of the Nieces of Cardinall
Mazarin. This marriage is to be solemnised on
Sunday next, the K: and the whole Court staying
at Compeigne on purpose till it be don; Prince Engendus
of Savoy is to appear there as Proxie, & to
take her in the name of the Pr: of Modena. And
for the greater honor to this ceremony, his Majesty
has given command to all the great Ones and
Gallants of the Court to suit themselvs in Clothes
with all imaginable Bravery. Her Uncle the
Cardinal give down on this contract of marriage
Eight hundred Thousand Crowns, besides
Ornaments and Jewels. Which solemnity being
once over, the K: posts away with all speed to la
Fere in Picardie, to be at the Rendezvouz in the
head of his Army; and the Lady Martinessi is to
be conducted to Modena by the Count de Nevaille.
His Majesties Forces are now al drawing out to
the general Rendezvouz in Picardie; & Quesnoy
has bin relieved anew with all sorts of Provisions
by order from Marshall Turedne. And that nothing
may be wanting to the Conquest of Flanders, all
his Majesties Musicians, and 24 Violins, being
sent for, went for Compeigne after the Court, on
the 26 instant.
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