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Mercurius politicus, Number 259, 24th-31st May 1655 E.841[3]

carried thenee with them a good force of new raised men, and were
well appointed with all necessaries for the expedition. It appears
moreover, that Captain Jones is not dead, as the Letters reported,
he being imbarqued in the Little Charity, with his horses, which
ship was driver into Ireland, and detained there for some time by
contrary winds.
The setling of the Troops of Horse, for security of the several
Counties, is now finished, and the Officers are appointed; many
of their Commissions were signed this day. Their pay is to be a
yearly salary; a Captain is to have 100.l. Per annum; a Lieutenant
50 l. a Cornet 25 l. a Quartermaster 20 Marks, and each private
Trooper 8 l. per annum. They are to have a Rendevous in their respective
Counties every quarter of a year, and upon occasion, are to
do service with the Army; and if, at any time, they continue above
a moneth abroad in service, they are afterwards to be paid according
to the establishment of the Army.
May 30. His Highness sate with the Council, in the Council
There is a Squadron of ships prepared to be sent after Generals, Vetables
and Pen, to second their Expedition 5 together with a Regiment of Solidiers
under the Command of Col. Humphries: And a Committee of the Officers of
the Army sate this day, to consider of nominating the Inferior Officers for this
employment. Once again, the Letters out of Scotland, affirm, That
Middleton is gone beyond sea.
It is ordered, That divers persons, prisoners in the Tower, who were in the
last years Conspiracy, against his Highness's person; and most of those in the
Goale in the West, who were in the late Rebellious Insurrection, be sent away
to the Foreign Plantations. Another Petition of Serjeant Maynord was
this day presented to his Highness.
There is newly Printed and Published, these Books following
That much desired Book of Mr. Wilsons, is now made,
A compleat Christian Dictionary, shewing the significations and
several acceptations of all the words in the Bible; with the Addition
of above Four thousand words, all wanting in the former
Editions. Much tending to the increase of Christian Knowledge,
and serving for the use of all, both Ministers of the Gospel, Masters
of Families, and private Christians; By the diligent care and
industrious pains of Andrew Symson, Minister of Gods Word. Sold
by The. Williams at the Bible in Little Britain.
A new Survey of the West Indies, containing a Journal of 3300 Miles travels
in the main Land of America, with a description of that great
City of Mexico, together with an exact discovery of the Spanish
Navigation, their Dominions, Government, Religion, Forts,
Castles, Ports, Havens, and Commodities, in those parts, performed
by the 15 years Travels and Observations of Thomas Gage,
once a Fryer, now imployed in this Expedition of the Fleet with
General Pen, and Minister of Deal in Kent. Sold by John Sweeting,
at the Angel in Popes-head-alley.
Liensed and Entred according to the late Act for Printing.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1655:

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