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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

whereupon a Pasquin has been found
at the usuall place, in these words, Laudate puert
From Toulon of the 18. they advise, That the D:
of Mercaeur had at length taken shipping, with the
Regiments of poltous, la marine, mercoeur, Prevence,
and an Irish one; and that all the rest of the ships
and Galleys were making ready in haste.
Upon Letters sent from his Higness to the
Lord Mayor of the City of London, and his Lordship
Order sent to every Alderman of the severall
Wards, a Precept was sent to every Scavenger,
to see the streets pared and swept, and the
Chancels cleansed with clean water, every morning,
in all places of the City of London, to preserve
it from infection, &c. and the Scavengers
to present those that are faulty, and accordingly
notice to be given by the Scavengers to the Inhabitants
of the City.
From Portsmouth, may 21.
The Dragon and Tyger Frigats have brough
into this place some French prizes, & one a week
since to a great value, the greatest part of her lading
Linen cloth. On Friday the Tyger brought
in a small prize laden with such like Commodities;
The Preston Fright brought in a French
prize laden with Free stone; But a French man
of War took last week two Barques belooging to
this Town.
Friday May 1. The 3 Sergeants at Law, Maynard,
Twesden, and Windhan upon their reiterated
submissive Petitions to his Highness, were Ordered
to be set at liberty.
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