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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

The same Day his Highnes retired to Hampton
Court, and on the 4. his Highness returned back
to Whitehall.
From Stockhold, may 5: S: V.
Field marshall Wittenbergh set saile hence the 3.
instant for pomgranta, and its firmly believed, up.
On his coming over, the Forces will move. The
King longs to be gon, and we are confident will
stay but few days after the Queens funerals Our
grand Ambassador intends 3 weeks hence to begin
his journey toward Gottenburgh & so forward
in a ship which Iyes ready to Transport him for
England. This day came in some Tartarian Ambassadors,
about 15 strong; what their errand is, a
short time will shew: Its supposed the Polish Ambassador
will meet our King beyond Seas, and we
believe he will easily find him out there.
From Vlenna, may 18. S. V.
The Coronation of our prince Leopold Ignatius
at presburgh, is appointed to be solemnized in die
Cooporis Christs (as they term it) being some three
weeks hence; which Ceremony ended, wil given a
happy period to that Land-day, and then his Imperiall
Majesty intendes to begin his accustomed
Bathe_cure. The 9th. Present the golden Vlies
was presented to the said Prince L:Ignatius. The
Emperor having took notice that every where
preparations of defence are making, has also
commanded to fortifie the Cities of Prague, pitson,
Glatz, Eger, and others of importance, with
stronger Garisons of Horse and Foot, and other
necessaries for defence on all occasions.
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