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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

Hamburgh, may 22. S:V.
Its said the Swedes do now begin to march, &
that some Troops from these parts were already
gone to their generall Rendezvouz in Pomer; but
without doubt they will fall much short of their
intended number of 60000 men. Whereas several
Officers that took Comissions upon engagement
to deliver their Troopes compleat against
the 15 of this month, have bin forced to resigne
their Commissions, not being able to perform
their promises. Its said his Majesty of Sweden
sends an Ambassage for Denmark, to assure that
King of his reality towards him; and (is som say)
to desire withall, that the said King will suffer no
Dutch ships to pass thorow the Sound. This
Senate is giving out Commissions for the raising
of 200 Horse, which argues still some sea in us of
the Swedes, though there bee no apparent cause
for it.
Danizick 26 May, S. N.
We now understand the Swedes are wholy bent
against these parts, and specially this Town, but
we little fear their power, and beleeve they will
not find so easie entrance into these Countries, as
they promise to themselves. At present the Parlament
is holden in Poland, where being ended,
its reported wil remove to Marienburg, and reside
in these Quarters. Its now said that Bogislaus Radgivil
is to take upon him the Ambassage for Sweden,
and to depart very suddainly.
Wednesday May 30. His Highness & Councill
passed an Order and Declaration (which is since
published, for continuing the Assessment of Sixty
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