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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

the quarters which his States have ordered to be
distributed in the Country of Cleve & dila March,
which his States have given for 15000 or 16000
men, who do disband so fast for want of pay, that
I am told he has but 2000 in Arms. They write
from Nurembourg, that the Electors of Saxon and
Bavitre, are also raising of Forces, he having sent
his Orders to Ingolstadt, there to re-establish the
Fortifications, and re-inforce the Garison. Charles
Stuart is still in this Town with his Brother Henry.
From the Hague, June 4.
The Lord Boreel, who is our Ambassador in
France, has sent a Pacquet to the Lords States
Generall, containing all the particulars concerning
the late cruell massacres made of the Protestants
in Piedmont by the Duke of Savey; together
with divers Certificates and particular relations
acted in that Tragedy, the same being read, the
said Lords States Gen: have made known their
deep sense of so bloody and unheard of cruelty;
and thereupon have writ to the King of France,
wherein they doe make high complaints, & shew
the high resentment they have of the same; and
have sent Letters to the Duke of Savey, wherin
they let the Duke known in pregnant words how
much they take the matter to heart, and that
they are resolved to their utmost power to Relive
and assist the oppressed and persecuted
Christians; not doubting but that his Highnes the
Lord Protector of England, and other Protestant
Princes and States, will also give their aide and
assistance in the maintaining and defending of so
just a Cause.
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