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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

From Naples, April 25.
The Prince of Avellino being gone to the
suppressing of the Banditi, has some what prevailed
in his design, but not according to his expectation;
for although they have absented for a
while, and severed themselves, some into Calabria
and some into Apuglia, yet their main end is to return
to their old Trade of Robbing and stealing,
as soon as he is gone out of those Provinces.
From Venice, may 5.
The grand Vizier is wholly employed in the
setting out the Fleet to come out of the Dardanells,
before that they are prevented by ours,
whom we hope is there now, or else wilbe there
in a few days; wee have no confirmation yet of
the arrival of our last ships, bound hence to Candia,
from whence we do hear that all things there
are in a good condition, the chief City being put
invo such a posture of Defence, that they have no
cause to fear any attempt of the Turks this Sum
men. although the new Vizier threatens fore that
he will conquer the rest of Candia this Summer;
but the often coming of the Cossacks in the black
Sea, is no smal remora to his great undertakings;
there is nothing of Dalmatia.
Milan. Our Governor is gon to Kossano, there to
confer with the Marquis of Spinola; and next, he
has given order for the new fortifying of Tortona
In the mean time the high Officers are employed
in the perfecting of the new Levies, that so they
may draw out an Army into the Field, to oppose
the design of the savey Forces on the one fide, &
the Duke of Modena on the other side, and with
them some French.
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