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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

Magazine of Powder and Ammunition, which
was not far from the said Brewhouse, and presently
blew up all that was near it. Half the houses
in the Town are blown up, and severall People
kild. They sent presundy Forces and Ammunition
thither to secure the place against the
French who lay not farr from thence with their
The Queen of Sweden, its said, its said, doth interd to go
for the Spaw this Summer, where there is like to
be a great report of Nobility from all paris.
From Roterdam, June 4. stilo novo.
The people here are very much incensed at the
barbarous massacres committed upon the poore
Protestants in the valeys of Piedment, by the Forces
of the D: of Savor, and some French Troop;
and do generally wish that some course might be
taken to revenge that cruel act committed upon
their poor Brethren. Its supposed a generall
Collection will bee made for those that are yet
alive, and turned out of all. No doubt but all the
Protestant Princes wil make it their work to see
those poor people righted & assisted in the time
of their bloody persecutions.
There arived last week in the Texell above a
hundred Merchant-men from severall Parts, and
as many are gone forth upon Merchant voyages.
The States of Holland are now met again, and a
great Fleet of men of Warr will be suddenly set
forth to Sea, to secure the Commerce of this
State, it being so resolved.
From Paris June 5. stilo novo.
Upon advice that the King of swedens Forces
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