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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

were approaching within 40 Leagues of the French borders, the King
sent to him the Chevalier de Toulon to complement him, and to present
the said king from him with a rich houshold Furniture, with
Hangings and carpets, and a silver Service all enameld.
The new Ambassador of Venice is arived here incognito, but will
not appear till his Retinue be in readiness. His predecessor is preparing
to be gone very suddenly.
The pretended Duke of York is to goe to Rome, in case the Peace
be concluded between France and England, to reside there from his
Brother Charls, to sollicit the Pope, who cals himself, The common
Father of all Christians, to oblige the Kings and Princes to a generall
Peace, that so with joint Forces they might help him in the conquests
of his Kingdoms and States.
It is reported by some that the Kings Army has laid the siege before
Landrecies; but others say it is only surrounded. All is preparing at
la Fere for the field, abundance of Wagons and carts being ready to
march; 800 Horses have bin provided to draw the Ordnance, and as
many for the Train; all which goes for Landrecies.
The Court having had a design to arrest Mr de Montdejeu, Governor
of Arras, upon complaints of the Inhabitants in and about that
city, and Mr de Villemote sent to inform against him, having been
misused by him, the King sent thither the chevalier de Crequy, for the
countenancing of Villemonte the Intendant of Justice; but the said
Governor hearing of it, he forced him to withdraw from the city, and
turned out 3 companies of the Garison whom he mistrusted.
At length the Agreement is concluded between the Duke of Orleans
and Madamoi elle d'Orleans his daughter.
We hear from Rome that the Cardinall de Rhetz hath preached
there three times; the first in French, before those of that Tongue;
once in Latin, before the Spaniards; and the third time in Italian,
before the Cardinals, and hath been much applauded at each action.
The Pope hath resused to take from the French Ambassador, a Packet,
wherein were contained the Information against the said cardinal
de Rhetz, and the Bull made by order of the conclave in the
behalf of the Abbot la Riviere, having offered him for his Ratification,
he absolutely resused it, saying, He knew that Bishoprick had
been given him by Symonie, which was too common in France, and
else where, but he would reform it. The Pope has again commanded
the Duke of Modena to lay down his Arms, and make his peace
with Spain. He keeps for the defence of the church Dominions, the
4000 men raised for the Venetians, for fear the French or Spaniards
attempt to come into it; but he gave money to the said Venetians to
raise as many others.
Some Letters out of Spain speak the Queen there to be big with
We hear that the grand Mogull hath besieged Goa in the East-Indies,
belonging to the Porrugueses, being stirred thereunto by the
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