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Mercurius politicus, Number 260, 31st May-7th June 1655 E.842[7]

had a hand in the blood; if our transplantation go not on, they may
chance to give us the dregs of that cup to drink, as the kindness of
their neighbourhood. The Lord grant out own iniquity may not be
an occasion of delivering us or our children into the hand of so cruel
an Adversary.
Whitehall, Friday, June 1.
Mr Copplestone, High Sheriff of Devonshire was knighted by his
Highness the Lord protector, for the good service he did in his
County at the time of the late Insurrection. His Highness gave him
the Sword he knighted him with, as a further addition of honor.
The same Day, at the request of the City of London, Mr Listebone
Long, one of the Masters of the Requests to the Lord Protector, was
by his Highness and Council nominated Recorder of the said City.
On Saturday his Highness went to Hampton Court.
The Squadron of Ships that are designed to follow Generall Pen,
are now ready to set Sail, having taken in a Regiment of Land-forces
drawn out of severall Regiments.
On Monday-morning his Highness returned from Hampton-Court, by
Ten in the morning.
We have thus much further by Letter from the Barbanus,
That our Fleer departed from thence in good order and well conditioned,
in pursuit of their Design; and its conceived by this time
they are about their work. That the Provision and Ammunition
ships, which it was seared were cast away, are safely arrived there,
and will be a seasonable relief to the Generals Venables and Penn, and
much facilitate the accomplishing their Expedition.
June 4. One of the Prisoners condemned at the Sessions in the
Old Baily to be hanged, as he was conveying to the place of Execution,
stab'd himself, that he dyed immediately.
The Agent of the Prince of Transylvania has received his Dispatch,
and is preparing for his return homeward.
His Highness is sending over a Gentleman to the King of Sweden,
with the Ratification of the Peace.
Nothing more concerning the last Plot, but that some persons have
been under examination.
There is newly extant these Books following;
Dr Gouge his Commentary on the whole Epistle to the
HEBREWS, a Work of above Thirty years Labour, and the
sum of above a thousand Sermons preached at that famous Wednesday-Lecture
at Black Fryers.
There is a very learned Piece of Lobell, (writer in Latine)
wherin are many rate, and never before described Plants; entituled
Stripium Illustrationes. &c. Both these Books are sold by Joshua
Kirton at the Kings. Arms in Pauls Churchyard.
Licensed and Entred according to the late Act for Printing.
London, Printed by Tho. Newcomb, 1655.

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