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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

Numb. 368.
Mercurius Politicus,
The Sum of Forein Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
Here de
-It à wertare Seria
At. Poet.
From Thursday June 18. to Thursday June 15. 1687.
From Paris June 26. S. N.
LAst week one of the English Quarters
that was best, the other being gone to
Rome, was committed to the Bassile, by
order of the Chancellor, who sent for
him; and got him out forcibly from the
Bishop of Babylons house, where he was
retired among many English Pepists,
thinking to be there more secure. He was carryed thither
without any resistance, he having [unr] been plundred of all
[unr] had, being about 5 Silver crowns,a Bible, a French new
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