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Mercurius politicus, Number 367, 11th-18th June 1657 E.503[17]

Numb. 367.
Mercurius Politicus.
The Sum of Forein Intelligence, with
the Affairs now on foot in the three Nations
For Information of the People.
-----It à vertere Seria {Horat. de
Ar. Poet.
From Thursday June 11. to Thursday June. 18. 1657.
From Cadis in Spain by the last.
THE News of the Action performed by General
Blake at the Canaries hath stricken a great
Damp here into the Merchants. It was brought
by some Dutchmen who tell the stery of it to
the great disadvantage of the King, as well in
the prejudice it brings against the reputation of
Affairs, as in the losse of his men and ships, which were ready
for the Indies. So that by this, men are half despairing of
meanes to get home the treasure landed at the Canaries, or to
fetch more from the Indies in any tolerable time. It adds not
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