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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

Testament, and some written Papers which he used to
spread abroad, It is thought he was betrayed by some of those
he most consided in, who notwithstanding their fair outward
shew, are thought to have told of him. I hear since that he
stands upon his Justification, saying he hath committed no
crime. All his mony books and Papers are under custody.
I heare by an English Physician, who dwells with the
Bishop of Babylon, that[unr] greatest favour that is like to
be [unr] him, [unr] send him back into England; where
as if they would use him to the [unr] the Law, he could
not avoid hanging.
The Princess of [unr] here this week, but the
Minister Morus ca[unr] not with her, as it was expected by
some; and reported by most.
From Tho[unr] in P[unr], II June, S. N.
His Majesty the King o Sweden bring at long [unr] joyned
with the Tre[unr] for [unr]having chased the [unr]
and Lit[unr] Armies, under the conduct and command of
Lubormish [unr] and Saphia, standing not far from
Sandomir, as far as Warsow; the enemy took resolution to
divide his forces, so that Czerneski swum over the River of
Weyssel with 10000 horse beyond Warsow, and passed into
Great Poland, summon[unr]up [unr] every where the
Pospolite, to make a diversion in Pomerellia, and those qu[unr]ters,
whereof eleven colours appeared yesterday already
hereabouts, on the other side of [unr] bridge, making their
usual bravadoes. But the rest of the Polnish and Lthuanian
forcs have alon their march toward [unr]
[unr] the said place with [unr] per[unr] German
[unr] Poles, and as [unr] to them with the
[unr] and [unr] for [unr] in hope to bring them to
stand they be took themselves to their heels [unr]
Vohmien, and made such great [unr] parties which
[unr] thm for twenty miles in to the Country, could hear
no more of them. They have in the mean while [unr]
the Muscovites for use [unr] and succor [unr] of [unr]
but they got a [unr] denial, with this reproach. That the Poles
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