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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

had basely deceived the Great Duke, by carrying the Polnish
Crown, which they offered unto him, to Vienua, which affront
they would be revenged of; so that they must not expect
no help from them: And it is probable, that those sugitive
Poles will wheel about through red Russia, and appear
again perhps abou Leopelis or Lemberg. Whereupon his
Majesty being disappointed to sight the enemy, returned along
the River of Bug, on this side of Warsow towards Nortwer,
to stay for Fiedmarshal Steinbock, who with 7000
Brandenburgish forces, with a considerable train of Artillary
was coming up to him; but the Transylvanian Prince Ragotski,
took his march with his army towards Samoise, and
the said Fieldmarshal Steinbock is drawing with the whole
army that way, to give a visit to the said strong Fortress Samoise,
to establish thereby the Ragotskian line to the very
borders of Transylvania, and to fix firmly his foot in Poland;
so that in these desperate affairs, those Austrian forces which
were to come in, according to the rumor spread abroad, are
to meet with the r hoste sufficiently at home; although this
hath been hither to but a meer rumor.
His Majesty himself [unr] peth with him a body of 8000
men, wherewith he intendeth to passere long over our bridge
at Plotsko, to the other side of the River of Wayssel, and
to march into Great Poland also: First, to dissipare those
forces which Czerneski hath brought together, and then to
draw somewhat nearer to the borders of Pomerania, upon
all occasions to joyn with those 6000 men of General Wrangles
in Pomerania, in case the Danes should do their worst,
and to go on as time require.
Tomorrow the Generalizing Prince Adolph is to go
with some Regiments to his Majesty towards Plosko, and
this is all we have to impart to you at this time from these
From Marienburgh in Prussie, 1 June.
We he [unr] that the King of Poland is near Dankowitz, four
leagues distant from Czenstochowa, where he sent for his
men, he left in and about Dantzick, expecting daily also the
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