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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

Imperial succour, consisting of 15000 men, he hath no more
but 2000 dragooners about him. Those at dantzick expect
Czarnesky to conduct the forces that were left then, who
met with some of our Officers, defeated them, took away the
booty they had taken from the Polonian parties. Our Kier
is neare Ostresando on the Bugg, who hath taken [unr]
upon accord, in which were many hundred Dutch soldiers,
which formerly served under Prince Radzivil : his Majesty
is drawing nearer the Weyssel for to meet the Field Marshall
Steinbock. We heare from Liestand, that the Moscovian
Generall was in a conference with Count Magnut de la
Garde, for to treat of peace; the Swedish Embassador, [unr]
siding in Moscovie, is set at liberty again by the great
Duke of Moscovie.
From Perpignan, 30 May.
Orgel being relieved, our forces have since relieved also
the Castle Bovillet, which the Spanish besieged for 6 dayes,
thereupon the Enemy went away. Count St. Abre hath
mightily encouraged our men, and made them as it were fly
over the mountaines.
From Calais in France, 17 June.
Our Private men of Warr, equip their respective Vessels
for to be at Sea again, A Royall ship hath brought upon
Holland ship laden with salt, which belongs to the Town of
Horn, and the Skipper of it is imprisoned in the Castle, they
alledge this cause for their proceeding against him, because
be shot against the Kings ship.
From Ryffel, 17 June.
The French had a designe to surp [unr] ise Avenues, but had
no success in it; from thence they march'd along the Rivers,
with an intent to fall upon Bouchain, which will prove very
troublesome to Cambray, this (they say) is done in the
fight of Ou[unr] Campe. Our Forces are not yet in their full
body, and the French are very strong. There is a report, that
the ways for trading from Luxembourg are stopped by the
forces commanded by the Ma [unr] shall de la Perte, the Certainly
where of we shall know by the next.
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