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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

From Gottorp June 8.
Our Prince leavyeth forces only to guard this place and to
[unr] into Ton[unr]ingen, and will stand meetly a Neuter.
The King of Denmark requested our prince, that the
Sconce Holmer should not be repaired but rather be quite demolished,
mol[unr]shed, yet for all that, the Dawish Ricks-marshal Bill sent
some forces th[unr]ber, which repaired the said Sconce, forcing
your inhabitants and subjects of our Prince to set their helping
hand to it.
From Bruffels 19 of June.
The Prince of Ligne straitned by the French, and
forced to retreat. The duke of York is gone from hence to
the Spanish Campe. All the Frontier Towns are provided
with men and other necessaries. His Royall Highness is at
Bergen; and the Prince of Conde is gone to the Camp
From Cleve, 20 June.
His Highness, Prince Maurice of Nass[unr]u is desired to represent
the Prince Elector of Brandenburg his person at Frankford
on the day of the chusing of the Roman Emperor, and
he goeth away very speedily, taking his journey first to the
From the Hague, 21 June.
The States General have subscribed the Treaty of peace
with France, conditionally. The Embassadors Wise of
Holland being sick three days, is deceased at Paris.
From the Camp of the King of Sweden. 28 May.
Our army being joyned with Prince Ragotski his army,
marched into Lithuania, and laid fiege to the city Brescie,
the Artillary being planted, and some shots made against the
House of the Governor, did execution; thereupon the besirged
desired a parley, at which parley they delivered the said
City (a place of great consequence) to our King and Prince
Ragotski; the most of that Garison having formerly been in
the service of our King, of the Prince Elector of Brandenburg,
and of Prince Radzivil, betook themselves again to our
Kings service; the Governor and some others, with some
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