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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

Artillary, were conducted to Stuzana; the City is Garisoned
by Prince Ragotski, to whose hands the said City was
delivered: Upon this occasion the Polonian Camp is necessiated
to remove, and to be gone further off. The Fieldmarshal
Poroski and Luborni[unr]ki are gone with their forces
into High Poland and Sap[unr]ia, is removed deeper into Li[unr]au,
with an intent to joyn his forces with General G[unr]nsieski,
Prince Ragotski his army is marching toward Sam[unr]se; the
King of Sweden sent for his Brother Adolph, and the Passgrave
of Sultzbach to come to Thoren.
From Dirshaw, 6 June.
Not far from hence is laid a bridge over the River Wessel
for several Regiments of horse amd foot to march over,
and to keep a watchful eye upon the designs of our enemies.
Westminister, Wednesday, June 17.
An Act for the quiet enjoying of requestred Parsonages and Vicariges
by the present incumbent, was this day read the third time,
and passed; and it was ordered, that this bill presented to his
Highness the Lord Protector for his consent.
Thursday, June 18 Forenoon.
Ordered that the Report of Amendments to the Bill for recovery
of small debts, and reli[unr]ving of persons in small Tresnasses within
in their respective Counties, be made the second Thursday after the next
meeting of the Parliament.
The House, according to former order, resumed the debate upon
the Amendments to the Bill for the artainder of the Rebels in Ireland,
yesterday reported, which Amendments were again read, and agreed
to with some Alteration.
June 18. afternoon.
A Bill for discovering, convicting, and discovery of Popish Reconstants,
was this day read the third time, and passed; and it was ordered,
that it be tendered to his Highness for his consent.
The Bill and Declaration confirming several Ordinance was this
day read the third, time, and passed, with an order also for presenting it
to his Highness.
Friday, June 19.
Instructions for Commissioners, for su veying the four Forests,
viz. The forest of Sherwood, the Forest or Chace of Needwood,
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