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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

son of ours, in hope it may be an occasion to draw off our
Army from Montmed; to which purpose they give out that
they will att. que Landreci[unr] La Capelle, or Quesnoy, but they
have as yet no resolution taken what to do.
Marshal Tureine hath been muc pleased to see the Engish
Forces, who hath taken such paint with un[unr]caried marches to
get timely to him. He at present hath disposed of them to refresh
themselves at St. Quintin.
From Hamburgh, by the last.
As touching the Imperial Exp di[unr]ions, the one into Poland,
the other into Trans lvania, Reports do vary. Some
there are who say that the I[unr]p[unr]ri[unr]l General Hatsfiels is upon
his march to meet the King of Sweden in his return from the
taking of B[unr]escie. Others sa[unr] that the King of Sweden in ending
to fall upon the D[unr]ne, the said Hat field intends to
fall to the besieging of Cracovia to divert the Swede from
over running the Dane.
This is certain, that in hope to divert the Transylvanian,
the Imperial[unr] Court have ordered the sending of an Army
into Transylvania under General Bacheim, for which purpose
the said General is collecting all the Forces he can in Hungarie,
as our best and most creditable letters speak from
The Swedish R[unr]sident himself also writes from Vienns,
that it is carried there by vote in the Council, that speedy
succou[unr]ug[unr] to be sent into Poland, and he writes also, that
the Imperialists have been bought to this at a dear a[unr], the
Poles having engag[unr]ed, that as soon as the City and Castle of
C[unr]a[unr]ovia shall be recovered, it shall be [unr] up for ever
from the Crown of Poland, to be inserted into the Territory
of Si[unr]esi[unr], as a Flower of the Crown Imperial, and with it
also the Dukedoms of Ratioor and Oppelen, which the
Poles shall restore to the Imperial diade[unr], by whom they hid
forme[unr]ly been pawned to the Polanders for a sum of money,
and this without payment of a penny back for them; as also,
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