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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

another Province, which is part of the Kingdom of Hungarv,
pawned also formerly in the same manner to the Crown
of Poland, and under Polish obedience to this day. These large
offers have wrought upon the Court at Vieana.
The King of Denmark being gone to Scone to view his
Army, its beleeved he will there begin the War. His Field
Marshall Bille continue [unr] (they say [unr] at Oldeflo, being to advance
further tomorrow. The Friends of the Swede do expect
that King nearer this way suddenly to take course with
the Dances; for he was lately at Thoren.
The Moscovite not having been seen yet in the field this
summer, it gives courage to the City of Riga and all Liefland;
the reason of his backwardness is said to be because of
some Insurrections among his people at home in his own
Country; though letters say, hee voweth to have another
about this year at Riga. In the meantime, Count Magnu[unr]de
la Gardie, Governor for the King of Sweden in that City
and Province, having a body of some thousands in Arms,
taken so good a course with the Moscovitish garrisons which
[unr] yet in the Country that be keep them from running
abroad to plunder, and be is like to do more, if so be the
great Duke do not come on to hinder his.
The Polish Generals Poro ki and Lubermiski are retreated
toward Zimosee. The Generals Saphia and Gonzeuski
continue in Samogetia. Their Generalissem Czarnecki hath
sent to Dantzick to send away the 1000 foot which he left
there, together with the great guns, that they may come to
him with all speed to Trchel. And tis said that if the Imperial
succours come on, be will besiege posen, in hope to
div: the Brandenburgers out of great Poland. The Elector
above the City of Tilsen; but to what end is not known.
The Holland Ambasadors having received Intelligence
that the King of Sweden was come to Thoren, they immediatly
ha ned thither to him with all speed.
Another from Vienna June 6 [unr]
The Alliance betwixt the House of Austria and the Crown
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