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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

Advertisements of Books newly Printed.
There is come forth an Excellent Book. entitled, An Exact
A[unr]rigdment of the Records in the Tower of London, [unr] the Rerge of K.
Edward the Second, unto K. Richard the Third, of all the Parliaments holden
in each Kings reign, and the several Acts in every Parliament, Together with
the names and titles of all the Dukes, Marquesses, Earle, Viscountal, and Bareas
summoned to every of the said Parliaments. Collected by Sir Rob. Cotton,
Knight and Baroner. Revised, rectified in sundry mistakes, and supplied with
a Preface, Marginal Notes, several Omissions, and exact tables, both of the
special Matters, great Officers, Speakers, Nobles, and other persons there in contained.
By William [unr] Esq; a Bencher of Lincolns Inn. Sold by William
Leak at the Crown in Fleetstreer, be ween the [unr] Temple G[unr]es
[unr] contra Navsragium [unr], sidei, & Bond Conscientra Latine [unr] Accademicos
Cantabrig. Authore Rich. Sibbs. D. D. Londi [unr] Impensis N. Web. &
G. Grantham apud Signumniz [unr] in Oxmeterio Paulino.
An Advertisement.
THe 12 June. 1657. Ursula Rome was convicted at the Upper Bench, being a
notorious offender, for putting away false money. Who hath had oath given
against her, as a false coyner formerly; and also the hath inveagled to teach
[unr] to Coyn.
William Rome her husband, liech now condemned in Norihampton Gaol for fall
[unr] Chamberlain, Kins[unr] to V sala Rome, and Richard Chamberlain his
Brother, who are convicted, and have been notorious false Coyners this seven
years and above; and they have been in several prisoner formerly, and there hath
been a great deal of means spent in seeking them out these seven years; and I
hope there will be care taken by those who are in Authority to keep them sure
[unr] they do not break forth; for some of them have made great attempts to
break out of prison.
Sarah Chamberlain, sister to Visula Rome, and June Chamberlain, Etiz. Chamberlain,
and Richard Rose, W [unr] are brothers and sisters to Thomas Chamberlain and
Visilla Rome, all being fa[unr] Coyn rs, and put away much; and [unr] oath given
against them, and some indicted, Richard Rose, Elizabeth Chamberlain, Outlawed.
2 July, 1656 Katherine Daws was indicted, and now Out-lawed for Clipping
the Currant Coyn, who hath formerly been indicted for the same fact, and quit,
because she was not prosecuted within a year and a day.
Elizabeth Hastings, the wife of John Hstings, who was lately hanged, the stands
out lawed. Richard Drue and his wife stands Out-lawed; and I am [unr]for said
[unr] many of these do follow their wicked practices [unr]
Whosoever shall apprehend these said out lawed persons, and bring word to
Rich. Pight, Clerk of the Irons in his Highness Mint, Shall have good satisfaction
for their good service to the Commonwealth.
From the French Court at [unr] in Picardie, June 20.
We have Intelligence that Marshal Tureine in the mean
time was advanced as far as Mezieres with 4000 horse, and
went thence to Rosoy, hearing the Enemy was reired.
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