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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

On the 16 their Majesties with whom was Monfierr, his
Eminencie, and the whole Court went to Riblemont to view
the fix English Regiments, whom they found drwn up in
12 Batallions, with their Colou[unr]s displayed, to the number of
ten in each Regiment, the fist of which is called the Regiment
Royal, and the rest beare the name of the colour of
their Colours. They were presented to the King by the
Chevalier Reynolds their General, and by the English Ambassador,
and they all welcomed his Majesty with loud shouts
and acclamations, who being attended by his Guards, caused
them to march in Bataille, and afterwards ordered divers
refreshments to be given them for entertianment, where in
they expressed much satisfaction with new cries and acclamations
of Vive le Roy.
Westminster, Monday 22 June:
A Bill for raising of Fifteen thousand pounds in Scotland, was this
day read the third time: And the Bill with the amendments was passed,
and ordered, that it be presented to his Highness the Lord Protector
for his consent.
A Bill for an Assessment for three years, was this day read the third
time. Divers names of Commissioners were added, and a title was
tendered to this Bill in these words. Viz. An Act for an Assessment
the rare of Five and thirty thousand pounds by the moneth upon England,
six thousand pounds by the moneth upon Scotland, and Nine
thousand pounds by the moneth upon Ireland, for three years, from
the 24 of June, 1657. for a Temporary supply towards the maintenance
of the Armies and Navies of this Commonwealth; which was
read and agreed upto. And the Bill, with the Amendments, was passed,
and ordered to be [unr] to his Highness for his consent.
A Bill for giving liberty to Charistopher Hatton, Esquire, to [unr]
Building in Hatton Garde[unr], before the year 1660. was this day
read the first and second time, and the Bill was ordered to be [unr]
Report was made of Amendments to the Bill for Importation of
Bullion, which were read the first and second time, and recommitted
to the same Committee to consider of it at the next meeting of this
June 12. Afternoon
An Additional Bill for Improving the Excise of New-Imposs, was
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