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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

this day read the third time. And the Bill, with the Amendments, was
passed. And it was ordered, that it be tendred to his Highness for his
Tuesday 23 June, Forenoon
A Bill entituled, An Act for continuing and establishing the Subsidy
of Tonnage and Poundage; and for reviving an Act for the better
Packing of Butter, and redress of abuses therein, was this day read
the third time.
June 23 Afternoon.
The debate upon this Bill being returned and several Provisoes offered
and agreed on, the Bill was passed, and ordered to be presented
to his Highness for his consent.
The Question being propounded that a Committee be appointed
to prepare a draught of an Oath to be taken by the Lord Protector, it
was resolved accordingly.
Resolved, that this Committee do offer to this house what they
think fit for the Solemnisation and Publication of his Highness acceptance
of the present Government, now established by Authority of
Resolved, that this Committee also do offer to the house what
they think fit touching the setling of his Highness Council, and such
other matters as they shall think necssary, in pursuance of The humble
Peritian and Advice, and the Additional Petition and Advice.
An Act for Indemnifying of such persons as have acted for the service
of the Publick, was [unr] day read the third time; which was [unr]
and ordered to be presented to his Highness.
A bill [unr] an Act for the better suppressing of These upon
[unr] borders of England and scotland, was read the third time. And
the said Bill was passed and orderd to be pre[unr]
to his Highness for his consent.
The Bill concerning new Buildings, was this day passed. And it was
ordered, that it be presented to his Highness [unr] his consent.
Whitechall June 24.
We had news out of France, that our English Forces are gone
[unr] S[unr] Quintin; part of them to a place besieged by the French, and
[unr] with Marshall Turtine.
Dives Letters[unr] speak now, that the Spania have at length got[unr]
[unr] from the Poi[unr]. The former [unr] news was.
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