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Mercurius politicus, Number 368, 18th-25th June 1657 E.195[18]

News came of the landing of a Portugal Ambassador Ext[unr]
at Plymouth.
By Letters from Abbevile in Frances its written, that the pan[unr]
make a diversion to the French, have caused-the Prince of Co[unr]
ces to march down towards Calais, and they have in [unr]
blocked up the Town.
Wednesday, June 24 Forenoon.
Report was made from the Committee appointed to com[unr]
the Oath for the Lord Prtector, of the opinion of the said committee,
in severall Papers, which were now read, and [unr]
taken into debate by parts.
Some Amendments being made to the Paper conteining the [unr]
Oath, the House agreed upon the Forme of the Oath.
A second paper delivered in was concerning [unr] to be taken
the Council, to which some Amendments being made, [unr]
the Question Agreed to; And Resolved, that the [unr]
taken by the Members of his Highnes Council of Scotland and [unr]
June 24 Afternoon.
The house resumed the debate upon the third paper, reporte[unr]
day, for[unr]an Oath to be taken by the Members of [unr]
To which several Clauses were tendred, and the [unr] of [unr]
also was agreed on.
The fourth paper was read and upon th[unr]
which concerneth the summoning of such persons [unr]
meeting of the Parliament, and who are to serve as Member in [unr]
other house of Parliament, according to the Humble Petition and
vice. The house pass d several resolves thereupon.
Report was made of a draught of a Proclamation by his [unr]
and the Parliament, which was read and agreed to.
Ordered, that a Committee be appointed to artend his Hig[unr]
to acquaint him with the form of the Oath to be taken by his [unr]
[unr], and to desirehis Highness he would appoint a time when [unr]
may attend his Highness for the passing of Bills.
The fifth paper reported in the morning was read, and [unr]
agreed, viz. That Westminster-hall be prepared suitabley to [unr]
Solemnity; at the higher end thereof, a Chair of State, a [unr]
Table. &c. That seats be made for the Members of Parliament. [unr]
then on the right-hand the Judge in their Robes; and on the [unr]
hand the Lord Major and Aldermen of London in their Scarler,
That the Oath be administred to his Highness by Mr Speaker [unr]
London, Printed by The. Newcomb dwelling in Thames-from [unr]
against Bainards Castle.

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